Lab 2 - Bluetooth:

The purpose of this lab was to establish communication between my computer and the Artemis board through the BLE bluetooth stack. I used Python inside a Jupyter notebook on the computer end and the Arduino programming language on the Artemis side.


My setup ran smoothly, but ended up becoming moot. Due to an unexpected issue with Windows 11, I was unable to connect to the Artemis from my personal computer using Bluetooth. I instead used a lab computer to complete this lab, and plan to install a VM for future lab work. The lab computer was already fully set up with Arduino, Python, and Jupyter labs.


Below are screenshots of my Jupyter code/output and the Arduino Serial output. I also include my relevant Arduino code at the bottom.

Task 1:

In my Arduino ECHO handler I prepend the string "Artemis says -> \"" and append "\"" to the string received from the Bluetooth command string. This string is returned and read on Jupyter.

Task 2:

My Arduino SEND_THREE_FLOATS handler gets all three float values from the command string and prints them comma separated to the Serial monitor.

Task 3:

My Jupyter notification handler stores continuously updated floats in the variable received_float and prints them using the callback function float_receiver.

Task 4:

The Arduino structs are sent over Bluetooth as a GATT characteristic, which is interpreted by Python as a bytearray. In the first case, the byte array represents a float and is directly unpacked that way by the receive_float() function. In the second case, the bytearray represents is an array of chars that corresponds to the float, and that char array is unpacked and later converted.

Serial Output

Serial Port

Jupyter Code/Output


Arduino Code

                 * Extract three floats from the command string
        case SEND_THREE_FLOATS:

            float float_1, float_2, float_3;
            // Extract the next value from the command string as a float
            success = robot_cmd.get_next_value(float_1);
            if (!success)

            // Extract the next value from the command string as a float
            success = robot_cmd.get_next_value(float_2);
            if (!success)

            // Extract the next value from the command string as a float
            success = robot_cmd.get_next_value(float_3);
            if (!success)

            Serial.print("Received 3 Floats: ");
            Serial.print(float_1); Serial.print(", ");
            Serial.print(float_2); Serial.print(", ");
            Serial.print(float_3); Serial.print("\n");

                 * Add a prefix and postfix to the string value extracted from the command string
        case ECHO:

            char char_arr[MAX_MSG_SIZE];

            // Extract the next value from the command string as a character array
            success = robot_cmd.get_next_value(char_arr);
            if (!success)

            tx_estring_value.append("Artemis says -> \"");
